My Blog

Blaugust 2023 Week 3: The Creators of Community
Week 3 of Blaugust is creative appreciation week. There are so many ways to define who and what to appreciate during a week like this one, and yet it is one of the hardest weeks for many of us to do. Who do we shine the spotlight on? Is it fellow bloggers, game...
Getting Weepy, in a Good Way
I am not ashamed to admit that a good book, show, or game can make me absolutely bawl. In fact, I LOVE that they can make such a profound emotional connection with me. When I first read Guy Gavriel Kay's final book of the Fionavar Tapestry series, the Darkest Road,...
Blaugust2023 Week 2: Getting to Know GamerLadyP
Welcome to week 2 of Blaugust 2023. So far I am on track for my goal this year, which is to post at least twice a week during the festival. I've also managed to read and comment on several posts for our other participants. As of this morning's update from Belghast, we...
The Best Laid Plans (don’t stand up to beta releases)
I had planned to share some initial impressions about the closed beta for Palia in today's post. However, I insist on playing a game for a few hours before I start sharing my impressions. They've had a fairly big issue to resolve with player housing plots, and have...
Games Backlog Update: Finally Playing New World
I had a little break after I finished up Solasta's main game and before Palia beta and Baldur's Gate 3, so I decided to give New World another shot. I was originally not very impressed with New World. I played the early access beta and was frustrated with the...
Blaugust 2023 Welcomes New and Old
Welcome to the August blogging madness fondly known (for 10 years now!) as Blaugust. So far this year we have 76 signed up to participate with 32 who are doing Blaugust for the first time. Everyone is welcome to join at any point during the month of August. How often...
Saving the list of 2022 Blaugustians
Blaugust 2022 Blogroll Instead of just replacing my blogroll with the latest year, I thought that this year I would keep the list to refer back to later. Enjoy some very active and great bloggers, many of whom come back each year. If you would like the details...
More Game Backlog Thoughts
Time flies, right? I had been trying to post at least monthly but May and June just slipped through my fingers. During that time I finished playing Cyberpunk 2077 and really enjoyed it. I will eventually go back and play through different endings and will most likely...
Getting Into My Game Library Backlog Starting With Cyberpunk 2077
It feels a bit weird to say/admit, but I'm not paying a monthly sub for any MMO right now. It has been a while since I could say that. While I have occasional bouts of FOMO, it gets easier each day to just put those games aside. It helps that I have a pretty big...